The Fourth DayThe Fourth Day

by Howard J. Van Till


Published 1986. 300 pages

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From Library Journal:

Van Till, a professor of physics and astronomy at Calvin College, convincingly argues that those who present the creation / evolution controversy as an either / or issue are doing both religion and science a disservice. The two are compatible once one accepts Genesis as an explanation of God's relationship to man and the universe and not as a journalistic record of a past event. Creation and evolution are actually the answers to two separate questions; Creation explains the status of the material world while evolution explains its temporal development. This readable and informative attempt to reconcile Scripture and science while avoiding (and yet lucidly explaining) the pitfalls of Creation Science is highly recommended. 

Review by D. Stephen Rockwood, Mt. St. Mary's Coll., Emmitsburg, Md.  Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc.