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Neanderthal in the News
Gendered Division Of Labor Gave Modern Humans Advantage Over Neanderthals 5 December 2006, ScienceDaily.com
Neanderthal Women Joined Men in the Hunt 5 December 2006, NYTimes.com
Neanderthal Life Forced Cannibalism 4 December 2006, Discovery.com
German Scientists Reconstructing Neanderthal Genetic Code 4 December 2006, Playfuls.com
Synchrotron Reveals How Neanderthal Teeth Grew 27 November 2006, ScienceDaily.com
Neanderthal DNA Shows No Breeding with Humans 15 November 2006, Discovery.com How Modern Were European Neanderthals? 28 August 2006, ScienceDaily.com
20 July 2006, Discovery.com
New Study Reveals Neanderthals Were As Good At Hunting As Early Modern Humans 19 January 2006, ScienceDaily.com
Neanderthal Teeth Grew No Faster than Human Teeth 20 September 2005, ScienceDaily.com
Oldest Fossil Protein Sequenced: Protein Sequence From Neanderthal Extracted And Sequenced 31 March 2005, ScienceDaily.com
Neanderthal Life No Tougher Than That Of 'Modern' Inuits 3 September 2004, ScienceDaily.com
New Study Shows Neanderthals Were Not Our Ancestors 27 January 2004, ScienceDaily.com
Study: That Neanderthal is not your Grandfather 26 January 2004, CNN.com Scientists analyzing the skull structures of neanderthals and humans have shown that they are a distinct species from humans. If true, then young earth claims that neanderthals were humans is completely untrue.
Bones From French Cave Show Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon Hunted Same Prey 23 September 2003, ScienceDaily.com
160,000-year-old Fossilized Skulls From Ethiopia Are Oldest Modern Humans 12 June 2003, ScienceDaily.com A fascinating article about the finding of three skulls of modern Homo Sapiens, which further confirms that we are not descended from, nor related to, Neanderthals. According to young earth creationists, Neanderthals are fully human. However, anthropological evidence does not support their claim. Neanderthal is clearly a separate species.
Rare Tests On Neanderthal Infant Sheds Light On Early Human Development 4 April, 2000, ScienceDaily.com
Neanderthal DNA Confirms Distinct History 29 March 2000, Nature.com An analysis of DNA recovered from a neanderthal bone confirms that they are not human. This shatters the young earth claim that neanderthals are humans.
Possible Human Ancestors Lived In Spain 780,000 Years Ago 28 October 1998, ScienceDaily.com