Several media outlets included Old Earth Ministries in their news reporting. In addition to newspapers, several local television stations aired reports mentioning Answers in Creation. The following reports are available on the web:
Cincinnati Post: Kevin Eigelbach: Creation From Another Viewpoint
Cincinnati Post: Preaching Chapter One as Literally True
Cincinnati Enquirer: Who Created the Earth (see sidebar)
WKYT-TV (Lexington, KY)
Creation Museum
There may have been others
outside of the Cincinnati region that I am unaware of.
Due to my work at my new job (six days a week), I have not written any new
articles during June. I don't expect this situation to change much over
the next few months, but I will try to squeeze out an article now and then.
Your continued prayer support is very much appreciated during this time.
In Christ,
Greg Neyman Old Earth Ministries
Contributors Wanted!
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