New Articles
Hebrews 4
Critique of
RATE's Zircon-Helium Diffusion Project
Featured Old-Earth Book
Origin of the Human Species
Dr. Dennis Bonnette
Although there are hundreds of books dealing with evolutionary theory and human
origins, the large majority fall into one of two categories:
- Conventional natural science that
embrace either atheistic naturalism or theistic evolutionism that fails to
support basic elements of Christian theology particularly the historicity of
Adam and Eve and the reality of Original Sin
- Young earth creationism whose
scientific credentials are suspect.
Origin of the Human Species differs in that
it shows in great detail how conventional human evolutionary theory is entirely
compatible with sound Scriptural interpretation and traditional theology. Dr.
Bonnette explores the force of opposing views, but adds philosophical analysis
that affirms the absolute need for God's continuous creative presence in any
metaphysically complete explanation of the world.
NOTE: This book falls under the category of Theistic Evolution |
During October, Old Earth Ministries had 8,242 visitors, viewing 20,416 pages.
For more statistics, see
About OEM.
During October much time was spent in adding crosslinks
within the already existing pages. Hopefully this will improve site
navigation for visitors and encourage them to check out more of the site.
Because of this work, I have not added many new articles this month.
Please note the article at left, Critique of the RATE Group's Zircon-Helium
Diffusion Project. Many thanks to Timothy Christman, Ph.D., for submitting
this to OEM.
In the coming weeks I will be migrating OEM to a new web server. This may
cause a down time of up to 48 hours while the switch is made. If you
experience any difficulties, you may view the entire content of OEM at a new
Eventually, this new site may replace Old Earth Ministries.
In Christ,
Greg Neyman
Old Earth Ministries
Featured Article -
Living Fossils
The Featured Article will highlight one article or section of the website each
month. The Floating Forest Theory is supposed to be an explanation of how coal
layers could form in the worldwide flood. The young earth authors missed
some simple problems which makes the whole model unworkable.
Click here to read
this article.
Featured Contributed Article -
Did God Create Carnivores
on Day Six?
In this section, we will feature articles from OEM
associates, and articles which are linked to from an OEM webpage. This month,
Rich Deem of solves a critical question to the Death Before
Sin issue.
here to read this article.Contributors Wanted!
Want to write and contribute an article to Old Earth Ministries? Know a good link to an old earth website? We are always looking for new information to publish for our readers. Drop us an email at
truth@oldearth and let us know!
If you have problems viewing the email, drop us a note to let us know about the problem.
Old Earth Ministries
P. O. Box 571
Fairborn, OH 45324