I'm excited to announce a new feature that I am trying on the website. My wife and I homeschool our children, and since most of the Christian geology materials are based on the young earth system, it is very hard to find good geology curriculum. So, I decided to write my own. You can view the work in progress by clicking here. The curriculum makes full use of the internet, including online quizzes and tests. If you like what you see, please pass the link around to your homeschooling friends.
In Christ,
Greg Neyman Old Earth Ministries
New Articles added during August
Answers in Genesis - The Toumai Skull Creation Ministries Intl - Neandertal Intelligence CMI - Green River Formation Creation Moments Rebuttal - Catastrophe Creation Moments Rebuttal - The Early Creation Creation Moments Rebuttal - Adam's Lifespan Creation Moments Rebuttal - Tiny Time Bombs
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