Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Science Hall of Shame


by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries

Published 15 October 2013


     I just received an interesting email from our unusual Christian brothers over at the Creation Science Hall of Fame (CSHOF) remember, the folks who want to erect a shrine to worship certain young earth creationists.  The email says: 

Dear Christians, Creationists,

Hugh Ross must be stopped! He has caused many good Christians to stumble. I have witnessed good Christian Churches argue over the interpretations of Genesis more than any other topic. I have now witnessed good Christian Churches that have broken up directly as a result of Hugh Ross teaching a mixture of evolution and Christianity.

The Bible teaches us to judge other Christians by their fruits. Hugh Ross has no fruits, but he has caused many Christians to stumble in their faith.  He is causing so much harm among Christians all over the world and he must be stopped. Evil is using him in a great way.

So the question that remains is how do we stop a spiritual battle? How do we stop Hugh Ross from being a tool for the evil one? How do we stop his ministry and get him back to the inerrant Word of the Bible?

The answer is really right in front of us: Pray to our Father to deliver Hugh Ross from the evil one. Remember, the Devil wants to keep you from calling on Jesus. Pray that the Lord binds the evil one from Hugh Ross and stops all donations to his so-called ministry and “drive him out of business”. Pray that the Holy Spirit opens Hugh Ross’ mind and heart to His truth and restore the Biblical truth that the evil one has taken away from us through his tool, Hugh Ross.

This letter will be read by thousands of people and if we all participate in prayer then we could all just sit back and watch Hugh Ross’ ministry go down as he opens up his mind and heart to the Truth.

Nick Lally, Chairman, Board of Directors, Creation Science Hall of Fame

   So, Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe has produced no fruits at all!  That's a surprise to me, given the many chapters of his organization that exist coast-to-coast, and the many people that have come to Christ as a result of his ministry.  High Ross' fruits are plainly evident.  Nick Lally says "I have now witnessed good Christian Churches that have broken up directly as a result of Hugh Ross teaching a mixture of evolution and Christianity."  What he has seen is Christian churches come to grips with the false teachings of young earth creationism, and free themselves from the bondage of YEC brainwashing.  And he says Ross' teaching a mixture of evolution and Christianity.  Obviously he doesn't have a clue what Progressive Creationism is all about.  I would bet that Mr. Lally hasn't even tried to learn about Hugh Ross' teachings.  All he knows is that its not YEC, and thus he covers his ears, or sticks his head in the sand, so as not to be influenced by what he thinks is heresy. (For those who don't know, the old earth Progressive Creationism model does not promote evolution.  In fact, his organization writes many articles against evolution.) 

     It's not that Hugh Ross has no fruits...its that his fruits are not YEC fruits.  While Dr. Ross does challenge YEC beliefs, he is clearly a Christian, and has many fruits.  It looks like Mr. Lally cannot recognize the fact that a person coming to Christ is a "fruit."  If a Christian cannot recognize this, is he really a Christian?  If Mr. Lally insists on defeating this fruitless ministry, then I must wonder, who is the devil actually using?



    If you are not a Christian, and you have been holding out on making a decision for Christ because the Church always preached a message that was contrary to what you saw in the scientific world, then rest assured that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and you can believe in Christ and receive salvation, while still believing in an old earth.  Click here for more.


    Are you a Christian who believes in young earth creationism?  Now that we have shown the many difficulties of the young earth creation science model in this and many other articles, how does this impact your Christian life?  If you are a young-earth creationism believer, click here.


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