Anthropology is the study ofhuman history. These articles address issues related to creation science and mankind.
African Ape-Men - Rebuttal of a 1980 Ex Nihilo Magazine article
Human Fossils – Young-earth proponents claim there would not be any human fossils from the Flood of Noah. Can this be true?
Chapter 15 – Where Are All the Human Fossils? A review of a chapter from The Answers Book
The Moab Man - Is the Moab (or "Malachite Man") really Cretaceous (150 million years old)
The Toumai Skull - Do YEC's have any valid evidence against this seven million year old skull?
Re-Dating Human Fossils - Falsely interpreted by Answers In Genesis
The Frequently Overlooked Geological Context of Hominid
The Natural Historian
The Paluxy Dinosaur/"Man Track" Controversy - Excellent rebuttal of the young earth claim that Dinosaurs and Man walked the earth at the same time
Mexican Footprints - Do 40,000 year old footprints pose a problem?
Terry Mortenson concedes: ‘Stone Age’ tools are a problem for
Age of Rocks
Fossil Footprints on Crete -
The Natural Historian
Neandertal Intelligence - Examines new claims of advanced intelligence among neandertals
European Peat Bogs as Natural Recorders of Human History -
The Natural Historian
Human Rights For Chimpanzees - Another pointless young earth claim
Did you know that you can be a Christian,
and believe that the earth is billions of years old? You can even
believe in evolution and be a Christian. There is no conflict
between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper
understanding how to merge science and the Bible. To learn more
about old earth creationism, see
Old Earth Belief,
or check out the article
Can You Be A
Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?
Feel free to check out more of this website. Our goal is to
provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism,
and honor God by properly presenting His creation.