Here at Old Earth Ministries, geology is the favorite subject. Even if you do not consider astronomy, it offers conclusive proof that the earth is old. Although the earth is old, geology as a science is very young, having started in the late 1700's.
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experience, we provide links to resources on other old earth
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The Desert Problem – All it takes is one wind-deposited desert in the geologic record to disprove the young earth creationism model
Coconino Sandstone – This rock formation in the Grand Canyon area is said to have been formed by the Flood of Noah. Is this young earth theory correct?
The Navajo Sandstone - Another young earth flood theory with insurmountable problems
Transcontinental Rock Layers - YEC readers are supposed to jump to conclusions just because a rock layer is very widespread. Unfortunately, it doesn't do anything to prove a global flood
The Sediments of the Earth - Are They Old?
Age of
The Truth about Varves - YEC arguments against varves do not stand up to scrutiny
Green River Formation and the Flood - A weak attempt to tie this varve formation to the global flood model
Clarkia Fossil Beds Claims - YEC distortions of the evidence to support their cause
Creationist Misuse of the Green River Formation - by Glenn Morton
A 60,000 Year Varve Record from Japan Refutes the
Young-Earth Interpretation of Earth’s History
The Natural Historian
Stratigraphy - Or, can the Global Flood of Noah produce all the rock layers we see in the Grand Canyon?
Creationist Stratigraphy – Is such a thing feasible?
Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe – Book Review
Young-Earth Creationism and the Geology of the Grand Canyon – by Jonathan Woolf
The Floating Forest Theory Sinks - Young earth creation science theory about the formation of coal seams is totally inadequate
Chalk from Noah’s Flood? – Young earth creation science experts claim that all chalk layers were produced during the Flood. However, can the Flood even produce chalk?
Polystrate Fossils - Are they proof of a young earth?
Joggins Fossil Cliffs – Are fossil trees proof of Noah’s Flood
Yellowstone Petrified Forests – Rebuttal of the Petrified forest theory
Catastrophism, or Uniformitarianism? - What's the difference? Not as much as you think!
Eroding Continents – Is it true that if the earth is old, we should have no continents due to erosion?
Origins of a Tropical Island: Instant Paradise or a Long
Chaotic Process? -
The Natural Historian
Origins of a Tropical Island II: The Long Road from Lava to
The Natural Historian
Local Catastrophes Happen: Mega-Tsunami Moves 700-Ton
Boulders Uphill -
The Natural Historian
Mount Saint Helens - Does not support a young earth
Giant's Causeway - Volcanic Evidence of Noah's Flood?
Mount Saint Helens - Another claim from another young earth ministry
The Toba Super Eruption: The Global Catastrophe that
Creationists Ignore
The Natural Historian
Thrust Faults - YEC arguments against thrust faults are faulty
Plastic Deformation of Rocks - The science behind folded rock layers
Ken Ham's Misconceptions about Opals - The full truth about Opals
Bottled Lies – Can a rock-encrusted bottle prove the earth is young?
Choking – Clogged Pipes – a new young-earth dating technique?
The Naica Cave of Crystals is a Giant Problem for a Young
The Natural Historian
Canyon Deception – Can a modern canyon that formed in six days be correlated to the Grand Canyon?
Missing Rivers? – Are the source rivers for Grand Canyon erosion missing?
Earth's Magnetic Field
Young earth argument does not prove a young earth
Is the Earth's Magnetic Field Young? - A rebuttal by a paleomagnetist
Limestone Caves – Can the Limestone cave sediments be deposited during the flood, and the caves form in a short time frame?
Sulfuric Acid Caves – Can you form limestone caves quickly with sulfuric acid?
A Strange Testament to an Ancient Earth: Bat Breath Causes
Caves to Grow Larger
The Natural Historian
Grand Tetons - Are they evidence of a young earth?
Islands – Are young volcanic islands proof that geologists are wrong about the age of the earth?
Kettle River Gorge Nonsense - Blatant deception about geologic erosion
The Flood Geology of Oil - An analysis of the young earth explanation for oil formation
An Analysis of John Matthews' "The Origin of Oil - A Creationist Answer" - Response to a claim in Answers Research Journal
"Best Evidences for a Young Earth": Snelling and our
Salty Seas
The World’s Largest Rock Tumbler is an Unusual Testimony to
an Ancient Earth -
The Natural Historian
Limiting Factors and the Age of the Earth - YEC's claim that some items place limits on the age of the earth that are not consistent with a billions of years old earth
Mountain – Does a burning Australian mountain prove a young earth?
Mudspring Surprise? – How much mud can young earth creationists sling today?
The Permian Extinction - Is it evidence for Noah's Flood?
Polonium Halos - Bad science to promote a young earth
Woodmorappe Misquotations - More Classic Misquotations in Woodmorappe (1999)
The Hydroplate Theory - A review of this young earth theory
Redwood Hoax? – Redwood Trees provide no evidence for Noah’s Flood
The Lost Grand Canyon of Egypt - Another Monument to an
Ancient Earth (part one)
The Natural Historian
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