The topic of radiometric dating (and other dating methods) has received some of the most vicious attacks by young earth creation science theorists. However, none of the criticisms of young earth creationists have any scientific merit. Radiometric dating remains a reliable scientific method. For articles on the RATE project, see the Rate Index.
To broaden your learning experience, we provide
links to resources on other old earth websites, noted below by this
graphic -
Submission Policy)
Radiometric Dating - A Christian Perspective, by Dr. Roger Wiens
RATE Index - A separate index of articles addressing the claims of the RATE project
Do radioisotope methods yield trustworthy relative ages for the earth’s rocks?, by Mike Hore
Are Dating Techniques Accurate?, by Greg Neyman
Radiometric Dating and the Geologic Time Scale,
by Andrew MacRae
Isochron Dating,
by Chris Stassen
An Essay on Radiometric Dating
by Jonathan Woolf
Radiometric Dating, Paleosols and the Geologic Column: Three
strikes against Young Earth Creationism,
by J.G. Meert
Geochronology - Radiometric Dating Reappraised
Andrew Snelling Proves the Accuracy of Radiometric Dating in One Graphic
of Rocks
Radiocarbon Myths from a Creationist Who Understands
Radiocarbon Dating
Age of Rocks
Ar39 - Ar40 Dating- How serious are errors in Ar Dating and how good are their monitoring standards
Shotgun Attack - Woodmorappe's efforts to attack Ar-Ar dating
Blind Leading the Blind - Austin, Snelling and Swenson Misinterpret Dalrymple's K-Ar Dating of Historical Volcanics
Mount Saint Helens Dacite Dating - YEC Steve Austin's poor scientific methods exposed
Argon-Argon Dating: What Is It Good For?
Age of Rocks
Carbon-14 Dating - Young earth creationists misunderstanding of carbon dating
"Polonium Haloes" Refuted - by Thomas Baillieul
Radiohalos – Can young-earth scientists prove a young earth using radiometric methods? Don’t even try!
Hiding the Numbers to Defame Radiometric Dating - Woodmorappe tricks young earth followers with misinformation
Distortions of the Lu-Hf Method - Woodmorappe pulls out of context to support his claims
Chopping a Title Hides the Truth - One method used to deceive people
Grand Canyon Dating Project - Slight-of-hand does not prove a young earth
How Little Lies Go A Long Way: Henry Morris and the Missing
Age of Rocks
Woodmorappe's Shell Game: Refuted with Literature from his Creationist Allies - Even their own work contradicts itself
Bill of Goods - Woodmorappe's arguments make no sense
Did you know that you can be a Christian,
and believe that the earth is billions of years old? You can even
believe in evolution and be a Christian. There is no conflict
between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper
understanding how to merge science and the Bible. To learn more
about old earth creationism, see
Old Earth Belief,
or check out the article
Can You Be A
Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?
Feel free to check out more of this website. Our goal is to
provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism,
and honor God by properly presenting His creation.