Any discussion of the age of the earth will eventually
lead to the topic of Biblical interpretation. For many years, young earth
creation science proponents have claimed that theirs is the only way, and
you must interpret the Bible literally, resulting in a “young” age for the
However, for nearly as many years, old-earth believers have been saying
that they do interpret the chapters of Genesis literally, and they reach a
different conclusion than the young earthers. As a result, old earth
believers have been the target of much mud-slinging by the young earth
creationism camp. Indeed, Old Earth Ministries itself has been the recipient
of threats if we did not remove our website.
Through the articles listed below, we hope to show that you can indeed
interpret Genesis, and other passages of Scripture, and reach an old earth
conclusion, without compromising any of the doctrines of the Bible.
To broaden your learning experience, we provide links to
resources on other old earth websites, noted below by this graphic -
. A
link to a page does not constitute an endorsement of the contents or
conclusions of that page.
Submission Policy)
Word Study: Yom - What is the proper definition for the Hebrew word for "day"
Genesis Chapter One - What is the proper interpretation of the most important creation account in the Bible?
Genesis Chapter Two - Not a second creation event, but a more detailed description
Exodus 20: 8-11 - The Fourth Commandment does not prove a young earth
Job 40-41 (Behemoth and Leviathan) - These are not dinosaurs...or are they?
Psalm 104 - Clear proof that Noah's Flood was local, and of death before Adam's sin
Romans 1:20 - Clear support for an Old Earth
Romans 1:20 - The Effects of YEC Belief
Hebrews 4 - A look at God's seventh day of rest
The Hebrew Word “Yom” Used with a Number in Genesis 1 - Article by Dr. Rodney Whitefield, author of the book Reading Genesis One
The Literal Interpretation of the Genesis One Creation Account - By Rich Deem (off-site)
Reflections on a Young Earth Creationist' Approach to
Scientific Apologetics -
The Natural Historian
Church Fathers – Should we look to past leaders for old-earth support?
The Origin of the Religious Debate about the Origin of Adam - Excellent article with many excellent points. From William (Bill) Parker, PhD
Ussher – Do Bishop Ussher’s Dates have any impact upon Old-Earth Belief?
A Weak God? - Do long creation days support the young-earth creationist belief that they weaken God's power?
The Doctrine of Creation - Is there such a thing?
Discussion on Creation and Science - An Essay by Mike O'Neil
Preconceptions - Young-earth believers are trapped by their centuries-old preconceptions about science
From Noah to Abraham to Moses: Evidence of Genealogical Gaps
in Mosaic Literature, Part 1
Reasons to
Believe. Parts 2-5 can be accessed from Part 1
Does yālad in the hiphil Prove There Are No Gaps in Genesis 5 and 11
Genealogies? -
Reasons to
Inerrancy - A brief discussion of this key teaching
Biblical Genealogies - Rebuttal of a TJ article written by Jonathan Sarfati
Ignoring Doctrines - When you believe in long ages, do you ignore key doctrines?
God's Broken Promise? - If Noah's Flood was local, then do local floods today mean that God broke his promise not to flood the earth again?
Compromise – Countering a claim of compromise from a young-earth believer
Am I Offending YEC's? - You bet - A little offense is sometimes required
Off-Site Articles
Four Rivers, One Problem: Where in the World was the Garden of Eden?
On the Origin of Thorns: The Prelapsarian Acacia and the
Good Creation -
The Natural Historian
Adam, Eden, and the Corruption of Nature: A Thorny
Young-Earth Assumption -
The Natural Historian
Who Is Our Authority? The Reformed Church Looks Outward for
Answers from Genesis -
The Natural Historian
Did you know that you can be a Christian,
and believe that the earth is billions of years old? You can even
believe in evolution and be a Christian. There is no conflict
between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper
understanding how to merge science and the Bible. To learn more
about old earth creationism, see
Old Earth Belief,
or check out the article
Can You Be A
Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?
Feel free to check out more of this website. Our goal is to
provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism,
and honor God by properly presenting His creation.