Fossils are often used by young earth creation
science advocates as proving a young earth. These articles address various
issues with the young earth creation science claims about fossils.
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Natural Pitfall Traps: Preserving a History of Unfortunate Events
The Natural Historian
Origins Breakthrough of 2009: Paleontology - Claims of soft tissue fossils do not support a young earth theory
Ida - Transitional Fossil - A new 47 million year old fossil is being hailed as a transitional fossil. Are young earth attacks on the fossil valid?
Arctic Fossil Turtle - Does a fossil of a normally tropical turtle, found in the Arctic, disprove an old earth? Not when you consider all the evidence!
The World's a Graveyard - Addresses a young earth claim based on fossil beds that are rich in fossils
High & Dry Sea Creatures - A young earth argument based on marine fossils being found high on mountains
Transitional Fossils - Why this argument is invalid for young earth creationists
The Fossil Record – Are old-earth theories weakened by a changing fossil record?
Fossil Footprints – Do fossil trackways prove a young earth?
Buried Birth – Do rapidly buried fossils prove a young earth?
Fossil Pollen – Does previously undiscovered fossil pollen in pre-Cambrian rocks disprove old age?
Insect Beds – Do fossil insects give evidence of Noah’s Flood?
Chapter 7 - Fossils. From the review of "Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe"
Fossil Tetrapods from Russia - Rebuttal of an article in Technical Journal
Living Fossils - They provide no proof of a young earth
Polystrate Fossils - Are they proof of a young earth?
Clarkia Fossil Claims - YEC distortions of the evidence to support their cause
Life in a Glass House: Diatoms Shatter Young Earth Flood
Geology -
The Natural Historian
Forams and Diatoms: Testing Young Earth Flood Geology
The Natural Historian
Dear Ken Ham: About Those Kangaroo Fossils
Age of Rocks
An Ancient and Alien Forest Reconstructed: A Fossil
Challenge for Young-earth Creationists
The Natural Historian
“Oceans of Kansas,” Unexpected Fossils, and Young Earth
Age of Rocks
Human Fossils – Young-earth proponents claim there would not be any human fossils from the Flood of Noah. Can this be true?
The Moab Man - Is the Moab (or "Malachite Man") really Cretaceous (150 million years old)
Chapter 15 – Where Are All the Human Fossils? From the review of "The Answers Book"
Re-Dating Human Fossils - YEC Argument Provides no Problems for Old Earth Belief
Bones of Contention II: Ape, Human or Fraud? Young Earth
Creationists Respond to the Dinaledi Chamber
Fossil Discovery -
The Natural Historian
The Dinosaur Mummy - Counters False Young Earth Claim about the Preservation of Dinosaur Soft Tissue
Pioneer Paleontologists – What is the meaning of rock art with dinosaurs, drawn by Indians 800 years ago?
The Paluxy Dinosaur/"Man Track" Controversy - Excellent rebuttal of the young earth claim that Dinosaurs and Man walked the earth at the same time
Aboriginal Dinosaurs – Do reports from Aboriginals add up to dinosaur sightings?
Dinosaur Evidences for an Old Earth - Dinosaurs proves that the earth is old
T-Rex Blood Cells? - Have T-rex blood cells actually been found?
Icky Ichthyosaur Claim - A slick article on AiG's website gets turned upside down
Petrified Deception - Exactly what is the meaning of the term “Petrified?”
More Petrified Young Earth Claims - Young Earth proponents continue to offer misleading information about the process of petrification
Joggins Fossil Cliffs – Are fossil trees proof of Noah’s Flood?
Yellowstone Petrified Forests – Rebuttal of the Petrified forest theory
Redwood Hoax? – Redwood Trees provide no evidence for Noah’s Flood
Flinders Fossil – Half-fossilized wood proves…nothing!