Creation Science

Creation Science Watch

A Summary of YEC/OEC Website Activity

13 January 2014


Answers in Genesis


Chronology Wars - This article examines the problem of trying to intigrate secular, historical timelines of past civilizations, and trying to demonstrate how they fit within the Bible. While most old earth creationists are very interested in this topic, the YEC approach proudly displays their bias.  The author states, "The biblical text is assumed to be inaccurate right out of the gate." While I believe the Biblical text is accurate, the problem is the Biblical text to be interpreted?  YEC's see their interpretation as infallible, as accurate as God's Word itself.  If archaeology discovers indisputible dates that conflict with the Bible, then these indisputible dates are wrong, no matter how sound the science.  When this occurs, we also need to make sure our interpretation fo the Bible is accurate.


Extinct Carnivore Ancestor of Lions and Tigers and Bears? (Oh My!) - This article reports about a scientific study of new fossils which scientists claim are an evolutionary ancestor of modern carnivores.  The bones date to about 55 million years.  The AiG author uses common YEC arguments against the proposed evolutionary story of the fossils (it is based on unverifiable assumptions...nobody has ever seen anything is based on presuppositions that the earth is old, because evolution needs time...).  The AiG author presents no 'verifiable' science to disprove the new scientific study, thus AiG's claims are 'unverifiable.'  In short, there is no reason to doubt this new scientific data.


Creation Ministries International


The Spiritual Death of the Adam Tribe? -  Response to feedback from a reader.  This article mostly deals with the Fall, and death before sin, and presents standard YEC arguments.

Related OEM articles: Death Before Sin


Kauai's Silent Nights (The Crickets Have Gone Quiet) - This article explains the fly infestation of the island of Kauai, which caused Kauai's crickets to become quiet.  Interesting, but no impact on old earth creationism.


Institute for Creation Research


One-Hour Oil Production? - This ICR report is about scientists who have developed new technology to make diesel fuel from algae, and this process only takes an hour.  YEC's have long argued that it did not take millions of years to produce oil.  They are not making this argument from evidence, but from necessity--oil must be produced quickly in the YEC model. 

The researchers say "...we are duplicating the process in the earth that converted algae into oil over the course of millions of years. We're just doing it much, much faster."  However, this was done in a lab, not in nature.  As it is, this research does nothing to support a young earth.


Creation Today


Nothing new posted today



Creation Moments


Solitary Bees - A decent devotion with a good lesson, but has nothing to do with creation science.


Old Earth Articles


NH Notes: A Fossil Scallop from Calvert Cliffs, MD - This article examines a fossil scallop, and considers its implications to young earth creationism.


Bacteria Found in NASA Clean Rooms Likely Traveled to Mars - From Reasons to Believe. Interesting read, with no impact upon creation science.






Creation Science Watch - 2014 Index



Did you know that you can be a Christian, and believe that the earth is billions of years old?  You can even believe in evolution and be a Christian.  There is no conflict between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper understanding how to merge science and the Bible.  To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

 Feel free to check out more of this website.  Our goal is to provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism, and honor God by properly presenting His creation.