Answers in Genesis
Why is Mount St. Helens Important to the Origins Controversy? - To YEC's, the rapid deposition as a result of the eruption is proof you can lay down rock layers fast. Sure, things happen rapidly with a volcanic eruption. We even see evidence of volcanic eruptions many times during the billions of years of geologic history. But a solitary volcano does not prove a year-long flood. See OEM's article of the day below.
Creation Ministries International
The Messinian Salinity Crisis Questioned - This daily feature is a reprint from the April 2005 issue of Technical Journal. The author rejects the accepted explanation for the formation of Mediterranean evaporite deposits.
Institute for Creation Research
Second Look Causes Scientist to Reverse Dino-Bird Claim - A scientist changes his mind from a previous claim about the dino-bird relationship. No surprise here. This is science in action. As evidence is further evaluated, and new evidence arises, theories change. This does not mean the earth is young! YEC ministries frequently point out mistakes, or changes that scientists make about their own theories. It doesn't invalidate the science and prove a young merely is a form of mud-slinging upon old earthers.
Creation Today
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Old Earth Articles (the articles listed below may be pro-evolution, anti-evolution, gap theory, etc. Old Earth Ministries (OEM) strives to serve all forms of old earth belief)
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Old Earth Ministries Featured Article of the Day
Catastrophism or Uniformitarianism? - Rapid events do not give evidence to a global flood.
Science News of Interest to Creationists (Summaries from
Is the universe a bubble? Let's check: Making the multiverse hypothesis testable
Creation Science Watch - 2014 Index
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Did you know that you can be a Christian,
and believe that the earth is billions of years old? You can even
believe in evolution and be a Christian. There is no conflict
between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper
understanding how to merge science and the Bible. To learn more
about old earth creationism, see
Old Earth Belief,
or check out the article
Can You Be A
Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?
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and honor God by properly presenting His creation.