Creation Science

Creation Science Watch

A Summary of YEC/OEC Website Activity

18 November 2014


Answers in Genesis


The Stealing of America - Although not totally directed at the age of the earth issue, it does take a swipe at evolution.  Aside from that, not a bad article.


Creation Ministries International


Did Jesus die because of how God made us? - An article about the issue of death before sin. Presents the false YEC idea that physical death only started after sin, but the Bible is clear that sin brought spiritual death, not physical death.


Institute for Creation Research


No new articles today.


Creation Today


No new articles today.


Old Earth Articles (the articles listed below may be pro-evolution, anti-evolution, gap theory, etc. Old Earth Ministries (OEM) strives to serve all forms of old earth belief)


Origins of the Dead Sea, Part VII: Mt. Sodom - A Huge Pile Salt - From the Natural Historian website. Presents another evidence from the Dead Sea region that young earth creationism cannot solve.


Ethics in "The Hunger Games" - From the progressive creationist ministry Reasons to Believe.  Not creation science related.


From the Archives: Creation, Evolution, and Christian Laypeople, Part 1 - From the theistic evolution website BioLogos.


Old Earth Ministries Featured Article of the Day


Tracks and Raindrop, Hail and Ice Impressions Demonstrates Slow Deposition


Science News of Interest to Creationists (Summaries from and other sources)


Hiding in plain sight: Elusive dark matter may be detected with GPS satellites


Why lizards have bird breath: Iguanas evolved one-way lungs surprisingly like those of birds


Warmth, flowing water on early Mars were episodic


Evolutionary constraints revealed in diversity of fish skulls







Creation Science Watch - 2014 Index


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Old Earth Ministries

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Springfield, OH 45501


Did you know that you can be a Christian, and believe that the earth is billions of years old?  You can even believe in evolution and be a Christian.  There is no conflict between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper understanding how to merge science and the Bible.  To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

 Feel free to check out more of this website.  Our goal is to provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism, and honor God by properly presenting His creation.