Creation Science

Young Earth Creation Science Argument Index


D53:  Isaiah 30:6 alludes to a Pteranodon


Edited by Greg Neyman


Argument:  Ken Ham claims that Isaiah 30:6 refers to a pteranodon, an extinct species of flying dinosaurs


Source:   Ken Ham, in The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved!, pages 49-52




  1. Since nobody has ever seen the creature God is referring to, it is impossible (even foolish) to try and correlate it to another creature

  2. The Hebrew words here for “fiery flying serpent” is sârâph ‘ûwph.  The first word is translated as burning serpent, with the second word responsible for the “flying.”  The New International translates it as indicating poisonous snakes, and this is likely, because the Hebrew word for burning serpent can also be translated as poisonous snake.

  3. Ham admits that Isaiah was speaking figuratively, yet he still makes the claim, saying Isaiah was basing the figurative beast on a real creature


For more Reading:

The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved!  A book review



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Young Earth Creation Science Argument Index



To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

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