Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Answers in Genesis Daily Feature

AiG's "Genesis Code" Movie Review

Published as an AiG Daily Feature on 5 October 2010.  This review published on 6 October 2010.


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


    There is a new movie out in limited release called The Genesis Code. The summary below is from the Facebook page for the movie:

Kerry Wells (Kelsey Sanders), a college journalist and committed Christian with an effervescent personality, has been assigned to do a story on Blake Truman (Logan Bartholomew) the college’s newest and very popular hockey superstar. As a relationship between them begins to develop Kerry finds that Blake, who hides behind a tough and independent façade, is actually struggling through a difficult personal crisis and that he bears the cross of a secret he has kept hidden for years. Blake rebuffs Kerry’s suggestion that prayer might help ease his burden; he is convinced that modern science completely disproves the Bible, especially the opening verses of Genesis. Kerry — who is herself suddenly confronted with a challenge to her faith on another front — sets out to prove that science and Genesis are not in conflict and her quest leads to a startling revelation. Could it be that what science teaches us about creation and the Story as told in Genesis are both true and in perfect accord!

     Sounds like it might be a great movie. Since it is in limited release, I have not viewed the movie yet. However, Answers in Genesis has a supporter in the area that it is playing, and he has written a review for AiG. The guest columnist (a dentist), pans the movie as an attempt to pass off old earth creationism, specifically progressive creationism, as the best method of integrating science and the Bible.
     Most of his review does not need a rebuttal.  However, it does illustrate a mistake often made by YEC proponents. In the final paragraph, he states, " the producer’s real take-home message is that, when science and faith are in conflict regarding the age of the universe, the Bible is what must be adjusted."
    YEC ministries often make the claim that old earth creationists are changing the Bible.  However, this is not the case.  Old earth creationists do not change the Bible at all.  The Bible, in its original writing, still contains the same words that God intended it to have.  The Bible is the same, now and forevermore. 

      What is changing, however, is our interpretation of the Bible, based on our understanding of God's creation.  While God's Word does not change, man's interpretation of God's Word can change.  After all, man is not perfect, so our interpretations are not perfect either.  It would be foolish of mankind not to consider all the evidence when interpreting God's Word.  Therefore, if science can help us understand the creation story, then we should look at the creation story with the aid of modern science.  This is what old earth creationism is all about.  Scientists, theologians, and lay people examined science, and realized that the young earth view of Genesis must be incorrect, so they changed their interpretation of Genesis.

     Contrast this with the position taken by young earth creationists.  They consider the Bible to be infallible, and somehow they have come to believe that their interpretation of the creation account is also infallible.  If you differ from their interpretation, they believe you are changing the Bible (I have been accused of this many times). 

     They have essentially raised their interpretation of the Scriptures up to the same level of infallibility that is attributed to God's Word.  This is why it is  nearly impossible to convince a young earth creationist that they are wrong...after all, they believe their interpretations are without error, just as God is without error. 

     I believe that in order to reach a YEC with the truth of creation, we must figure out a way to point out this flaw in their thinking.  As many of you know, arguing the individual points of the creation story with a young earth creationist is futile.  Their programming is so deep that they believe their interpretation is without error.  We must find a way to make them see the difference between "the Bible" and "the interpretation of the Bible." 



1  Movie Review: The Genesis Code, Answers in Genesis website.



     If you are not a Christian, and you have been holding out on making a decision for Christ because the Church always preached a message that was contrary to what you saw in the scientific world, then rest assured that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and you can believe in Christ and receive salvation, while still believing in an old earth.  Click here for more.


    Are you a Christian who believes in young earth creationism?  Now that we have shown the many difficulties of the young earth creation science model in this and many other articles, how does this impact your Christian life?  If you are a young earth creationism believer, click here.




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