Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Creation Moments

Skeletons Puzzle Evolutionists

28 February 2006

     The 28 February 06 daily feature for the young earth creation science ministry Creation Moments discusses skeletons.  This is a rare, well-written article for this ministry, that still uses, yet not as its main focus, a God of the Gaps type argument.

     Several claims are made against evolution.  None of these claims are related to the age of the earth issue.  Old earth creationists, known as "progressive creationists," accept the old age of the earth, and the creation of each individual life form, not evolving from something before.  An argument against evolution, therefore, is not an argument against old ages.

     What are the specific claims in this article?  First, life appearing suddenly in the fossil record.  This is easily explained following the "snowball earth" that existed just prior to the Cambrian period.  The conditions were perfect for the rapid evolving of many organisms.  Because the fossil record is not complete (nor will it ever be), we cannot be certain that the missing transitional forms for these organisms did not exist.  Thus, skeletons appearing suddenly is an argument from a lack of evidence, and is not based on any scientific data (rather, it is based on the lack of data).

     Christians can marvel and praise God for the design and development of life forms, but the lack of transitional fossils does not provide any evidence against evolution.  The processes of evolution can account for the skeleton, even though the fossil record is incomplete.

     As is typical of Creation Moments claims, this argument includes a "God of the Gaps" type argument.  Presenting such an argument in defense of creation is a pointless exercise in will strengthen those who already believe, but will do nothing to argue for your position with the atheist or old earth creationist.

     Want to learn more about creation science?  Are the claims of young earth creation science ministries truthful?  Visit the young earth creation science ministry rebuttal home page for more truth in creation science.


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