Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Creation Moments

Does Evolution allow the Supernatural?

12 April 2006

     The 12 April 06 daily feature for the young earth creation science ministry Creation Moments discusses whether or not the acceptance of evolution rules out the supernatural.

     The Creation Moments author tries to contrast evolution, with its 100 percent natural processes, with God, who uses supernatural events to create the world.  The author says "As far as evolution is concerned, God's supernatural intervention could not happen."

     However, the author fails to distinguish between atheistic evolution and theistic evolution.  With God involved in the evolution process, there is no problems integrating the supernatural into evolution.  The author's statement only applies to an atheist who believes in evolution.

     The author goes on to say "There is no physical evidence to support the idea that God periodically intervened in evolutionary development."  True, but more importantly, it doesn't rule it out either.  The author goes on to say "Nor does the Bible talk about this kind of activity."  Actually, it does!

     For those who accept God and evolution, the creative verses in Genesis 1 when the animals are made are important.  In Genesis 1:11-12, God said "Let the earth bring forth grass..."  This implies that the earth, with its natural processes that God started, evolved grass.  Why does it not say "Let there be grass?"  The same is true of the animals on Days 5 and 6.  For more on this thought process, read Evolution:  The Bible Taught it First.

     The author concludes that evolution is not faithful to the physical evidence, nor the Bible.  This is not true.  It is not faithful to the young earth interpretation of the Bible.  When you consider the physical evidence and the Bible, evolution presents no problems if you don't use the "rose-colored" glasses of young earth creationism to view it.

     While I do not personally believe in evolution, I do believe that evolution is a valid position one can hold, and be a Christian.  I echo the words of Billy is not the how of creation that is important.


     Want to learn more about creation science?  Are the claims of young earth creation science ministries truthful?  Visit the young earth creation science ministry rebuttal home page for more truth in creation science.




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