By Greg Neyman
© Old Earth Ministries
This question was published in Dr. John's Q&A by John Morris in July 1997. This question is in response to the popular dinosaur movie The Lost World. Morris tries to address several issues in the movie that he feels are wrong. He is, of course, preaching to the choir, as he presents no credible evidence, and no real scientists are listening to him.
DINOSAURS - Other than a passing remark that there is a lot of evidence to suggest that man and dinosaur lived at the same time, he presents nothing interesting. None of the evidence that young earth creationists has presented is valid. For more, see the Dinosaur section.
CLONING - He says that since DNA breaks down rapidly upon death, cloning an extinct animal would not be possible. I agree.
DINOSAUR BEHAVIOR - He says this is made up, as we cannot learn how they lived or died from bones. On the contrary, much can be understood from the bones and from trace fossils. Coprolites (fossil dung) tells us what they ate. Nest sites tell us about how they reproduced. Fossils that have been eaten by other dinosaurs have teeth marks of various sizes, and teeth of various sizes which fell out while feeding on the carcass, indicating that families ate together (not necessarily at the same time...the alpha male probably ate first). Also, evidence of tumors can indicate how they may have died. In the end, these are not concrete evidences, but we can say with a degree of certainty that these indicate factors about how they lived.
EVOLUTION - True, there are no transitional dinosaur fossils that are accepted by young earth creationists. However, that does not mean they do not exist, they just haven't been discovered yet. For the old earth progressive creationist, who do not believe in evolution, this lack of transitional fossils is a non-issue.
CHAOS THEORY - Not all things in nature trend toward deterioration, although most do appear to do so. See this article for a few examples.
THE LOST WORLD - I agree, there are no islands where dinosaurs exist. The rest of this answer from Morris depends on dinosaurs existing with man, a point already disputed above.
It is interesting that this book was published in 2003. Morris mentions the canopy-controlled climate, a reference to the vapor-canopy model, which has now been all but abandoned by young earth creationists. Answers in Genesis lists it on their list of arguments creationists should not use. Why Morris would use this, long after it was determined that it had major problems, is unknown.
Dr. John's Q&A #103, published on the web at
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