By Greg Neyman
© Old Earth Ministries
This question was published in Dr. John's Q&A by John Morris in October 1999. The answer that Morris gives has long been one of my main points that Old Earth Ministries uses to disprove a global flood. Morris suggests that land plants survived on floating vegetation mats. These mats are supposedly responsible for the coal deposits around the world. Old Earth Ministries has thoroughly refuted the idea that coal was formed from these mats in this article.
Morris attributes the olive branch that the dove brought to Noah after the Flood to one of these floating mats. If these floating mats survived the flood, why are there no floating mats today?
If one is to assume a global flood, here is the scenario for plants. The waters of the flood form over the continents, in gyres, with rotational velocities of up to 194 miles per hour.1 This provides great erosional forces to chew up the land, and deposit it elsewhere. These forces would destroy all existing plant life. It also would have sunk, or broke apart, these fictitious floating mats. In any case, the re-deposited sediments would be vast areas of nothing but mud, with no growing plants. The post-flood world would have been a wasteland, with no food for the animals to eat.
Morris says "The concept of floating log mats has become a powerful one in flood geology." It is also one of the dumbest and easiest to disprove (see the article linked above for more).
1 “Patterns of Ocean Circulation Over the Continents During Noah’s Flood,”
Dr. John's Q&A #130, published on the web at
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