Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Institute for Creation Research

Dr. John's Q&A #138, June 2000

Does the Creation World View Help in Time of Grief?


By Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


    This question was published in Dr. John's Q&A by John Morris in June 2000.  In explaining the answer to this question, one an again see how superior that Morris thinks that he is, and his young earth viewpoint. 

    He relates the story of an aircraft crash, and he was asked to be a featured speaker at a memorial several months later.  He was asked to put the tragedy into perspective.

     He claims that creation thinking provided the answer to this issue.  He boils it down into a war, between the evolutionary world view, and the "theistic, creationist, Christian world view."  It is interesting that he appears to be trying to incorporate theistic evolutionists here, and all creationists, however, from his other writings, he is just as negative towards theistic evolutionists as he is towards atheistic evolutionists. 

     From this point on, Morris turns this into an issue of Death Before Sin.  Since this issue is clearly shown to not be a problem for Christians, I won't repeat it here (you can read about Death Before Sin here). 

     If you had to invite a theologian who could put this tragedy into perspective, would you consider Billy Graham to do it?  Sure you would.  However, he sees no problems for Christians to believe in evolution (see Billy Graham).  His evangelism, in having witnessed to millions worldwide, is not affected outwardly by creation science.  Although he is not an evolutionist, and is probably a young earth believer, he clearly can see that evolution can be incorporated into Christian belief. 

   Would you consider C. S. Lewis, the author of the Narnia series, and one of the greatest theologians of the twentieth century?  He was a theistic evolutionist.  He saw no problems with a Christian believing in evolution.

     The truth of the matter is that your belief about death before sin makes no difference when it comes to salvation, nor when it comes to one's ability to provide useful counseling. 

     Put it this way.  You are going to die someday.  Do you need rescuing from that death?  Yes.  If you do not accept Jesus, you will be lost forever.  Does the fact that you believe in death before sin alter the fact that you will die someday?  No.  Does it alter the fact that you need a savior?  Not at all.  You will die, no matter what you believe...and you need a Savior, no matter what you believe.  Your beliefs about death before sin are irrelevant.

    The Christian message can be taught very effectively without relying on young earth creation science, as can be witnessed by Graham and Lewis.  Christians would be better off if they steered clear of Morris and his negative views.


Dr. John's Q&A #138, published on the web at



     If you are not a Christian, and you have been holding out on making a decision for Christ because the Church always preached a message that was contrary to what you saw in the scientific world, then rest assured that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and you can believe in Christ and receive salvation, while still believing in an old earth.  Click here for more.


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