Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Institute for Creation Research

Dr. John's Q&A #54, June 1993

Do Park Rangers Tell a Credible Story?


By Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


    This question was published in Dr. John's Q&A by John Morris in June 1993.  It strikes me that many of Dr. John's questions are not questions that were asked by inquisitive people.  Instead, Morris picks an issue that will give him an avenue to make a claim.  After all, would a young earth creationist really ask Morris if a park ranger's claims were correct?

     One of the favorite parks used by young earth creationists is the Grand Canyon.  Morris tells the story of their rehearsed scripts, and how they don't know the science behind these scripts. 

     The Park Service hires people to give these tours, and educates them on the background.  Of course, they are probably unprepared for young earth attacks.  Unfortunately, it would be too costly to hire scientists to be tour guides.  However, with a little education, it would be easy to provide rebuttals to these young earth claims.  As Morris points out, they take seminars on how to respond to young earth creationist claims.  This is very wise on the part of the Park Service.  However, I would hope that they actually study the young earth claims, so that they can rebut them, rather than just deflecting them.  This would prevent a young earth fanatic from disrupting the tour, and would stop the spread of their false science.

     As an emotional clincher, Morris throws in the story of a park ranger who used to give these tours, but who was influenced by the witness of some Christian friends, and became a Christian.  I thank God for her conversion, no matter how it happened (I don't know if creationist arguments were used in her conversion).  However, she would have an even deeper appreciation for the Grand Canyon if she fully understood it in light of old earth creationism.  And, she would not be relying upon false scientific arguments which are as transparent as air.


Dr. John's Q&A #54, published on the web at



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