Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Magazine (Ex Nihilo)

Frog Evolution

Ex Nihilo, Volume 1, Issue 2, October 1978


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


     This article discusses frogs, and how evolutionists view that frogs are not adapted for survival in arid environments.1  

     The author, David Carter, sets up a strawman argument, by first showing that evolutionists do not believe that the frog is well adapted, and that it is basically at the end of its evolutionary development.  He then turns around, using the example of a frog living in arid conditions, to show that the frog is wonderfully designed for living in such an environment. 

     He turns his strawman argument into a "god of the gaps" argument2, showing how wonderfully designed the arid frog is, and God, as the creator, should get the credit.  As a creationist, I agree.  However, god of the gaps arguments are basically emotional arguments, with little basis in fact.  Sure, the frog is well designed for arid conditions, but this does nothing to argue against evolution.  Carter takes general statements about amphibians, and then applies them to individual species.  Of course there are individuals (the arid frog) that do not fit the "general" description.  Singling it out only highlights that you are willing to pull out of context and use emotion as your main point.

     Many creationists use these types of emotional arguments today.  While I agree that the creatures of God's creation are wonderfully made, that won't convince the atheistic merely reinforces something we Christians already know.  In other purely an emotion issue, and not a scientific one.  







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Creation Magazine 1978


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