Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Magazine

Darwin's Mystery Illness

Volume 14, Issue 1, December 1991


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries


     In an article in Creation Magazine in December 1991, an author for Answers in Genesis writes about a possible illness that Charles Darwin might have suffered from.1 

    A researcher named David Rutherford concluded that Darwin probably suffered from "agoraphobia, a pathological fear of being in open places" in his later years. 

     Why is this material appearing in a magazine about creation science?  It has nothing to do with the theory of evolution...nothing to do with long ages...its inclusion is pointless.

     There is a reference by the young earth author, in the last paragraph, which summarizes how some young earth people feel about this.  The author says that Darwin's "knowledge of the enormity of what he had done to mankind contributed substantially to his psychological problems."  By the inclusion of this statement, it is clear that it is a cheap shot at Darwin.  It provides a matter of laughter to the young earth creationist.  Crude humor such as this is rarely seen publicly in young earth circles, although we all know it exists. 

     Fortunately, Answers in Genesis has matured since they initially published this magazine.  One would hope now that they would stick to the issues, and not personally attack people.   


1  Creation Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 1.  Published on the Answers in Genesis website at



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Creation Magazine 1991


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