Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Magazine

Darwin's Impact

Volume 27, Issue 2, March 2005


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries

First Published 23 June 2006


     The March 2005 issue of Creation Magazine contained an article by Raymond Hall, in which evolution is tied to the history of some of the world's bloodiest wars and events of the past 150 years.1

     Only a few short comments are in order.  I agree with Mr. Hall.  There is a clear connection between these leaders who were responsible for these crimes and evolution.  Does that imply that evolution is to blame?  If your neighbor is an evolutionist, do you have anything to fear?  Clearly, this is not the intent of Mr. Hall.  He is talking about a select few individuals who have shaped history.

     Wars are started for many reasons.  Evolutionary ideas may have had a role in the wars and events that Hall mentions.  However, it should also be noted that many wars and atrocities have taken place, including many that were done in the name of Christ.  Also, prior to the theory of evolution, all the way back into the Bible, there have been many wars.  There were wars prior to evolutionary theory, and we now have them afterwards.  Nothing has changed.

     In the end, it is human choice that determines our actions.  Darwin should not be blamed for these wars...the blame has been properly placed already by historians.  Hitler was to blame for the holocaust, not Darwin.  Stalin, Marx, Trotsky, were each responsible for their actions.   They individually chose to do the crimes they committed.  Other evolutionists of our day are clearly very upright, moral people.  Belief in evolution can be abused, as we have seen...but so can belief in our Savior.  It is the individual, and what he does with the information, that matters, and not the information itself.


1  Creation Magazine, Volume 27, Issue 2.  Published on the web at



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Creation Magazine 2005


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