Review by Greg Neyman
© Old Earth Ministries
First Published 23 June 2006
The March 2005 issue of Creation Magazine contained an article by Tas Walker which contained a claim of modern fossils, which only took several years to form.1
This amusing article shows how the young earth ministries pull the wool over their believers eyes. Geologists have known for years that you can form a rock quickly. It is no surprise to us that you can drop an object in the right place, and a rock will form around the object in a matter of years (if conditions are right, in a matter of weeks).
Tas Walker has a history of making false geologic claims. When you don't understand the basic meaning of geologic terms such as petrified, this can easily happen. Here again, he doesn't even know what a fossil is. A fossil is "a remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint." The fossils that Tas talks about here are glass, shotgun shells, pottery, a metal gearwheel, and a differential casing. He also mentions 'shells', which we must assume are seashells, which would qualify as a fossil. However, these other items are not fossils at all.
It is no problem at all to form rocks around modern man-made objects. However, this is not the same as fossilizing the remains of an animal. And, even if it took only a hundred years to fossilize an animal, that does not mean that the earth is young. The process of fossilization has nothing to do with the amount of time that it takes to lay down thousands of feet of sediment. The process of burying the fossil is a totally separate issue. Tas knows that he can trick young earth believers, because they don't delve too deep into the science, but the rest of us know better. Nice try, Tas.
1 Creation Magazine, Volume 27, Issue 2. Published on the web at
For More Reading
If you are not a Christian, and you have been holding out on making a decision for Christ because the Church always preached a message that was contrary to what you saw in the scientific world, then rest assured that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and you can believe in Christ and receive salvation, while still believing in an old earth. Click here for more.
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