Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Magazine

Tiny Pterosaur's Untimely End

Volume 27, Issue 2, March 2005


Review by Greg Neyman

© Answers In Creation

First Published 23 August 2005


     The young earth creation science magazine Creation ran an article in their March 2005 issue which tells about the discovery of a baby pterosaur fossil embryo.

    This tiny fossil is explained as the first ever preserved pterosaur embryo, which was unearthed in China.  According to the secular researchers, the 'exquisitely preserved' skeleton was probably killed and deposited quickly as a result of a natural disaster.

   The young earth author of this Creation magazine article, David Catchpoole, gives a short, two sentence claim that this supports the Flood of Noah.  He says "Surely the global Flood of Noah’s time would explain why we find mass deposits of fossils, many ‘exquisitely preserved’, indicating rapid burial, right around the world."

     Such a blanket statement is misleading.  If you examine the mass deposits of fossils, you will find that they occur at different stratigraphic layers.  You have fossil graveyards for mammals on top of other fossil graveyards of mammals, clearly indicating the passage of time between the two events.  Since there is no evidence for a single, global flood only 4,500 years ago, we must assume that these extinction events are local events, and not global.  Also, if they were from a global flood, all the fossil graveyards would be in the same stratigraphic layer.  However, they are separated by many hundreds and thousands of feet of sediment.

     Old earth believers can rest assured that the multiple mass deposits of fossils are from individual, localized events.  There is no geologic evidence to tie them together.


1  Creation Magazine, Volume 27, Issue 2.  Published on the web at



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Creation Magazine 2005


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