Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Magazine

Khipu Code

Volume 27, Issue 3, June 2005


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries

First Published 22 July 2006

     The June 2005 issue of Creation magazine has an article titled “Unravelling the Knotty Khipu Code.”  The article is interesting, as it tells about the Inca Indians, and how they used knots in rope as a mathematical tool.1
     This article demonstrates the slight of hand that is common among young earth claims.  The author, David Catchpoole,, says “This evidence of sharing of a sophisticated and mathematically complex code by the Incas makes a mockery of ideas that early people were ‘primitive’ and unsophisticated.”
     Archaeologists have known for many years that the Incas were a smart, sophisticated group of Indians.  Nobody has suggested that the Incas were ‘primitive’ and ‘unsophisticated’ as Catchpoole states.  What Catchpoole is doing is linking general statements about primitive peoples to an obviously advanced people...he is "transferring by association."  Because the Incas were ancient peoples, he groups them with other ancient peoples (who were primitive) to prove his agenda.
     Clearly, different people groups show different levels of advancement.  Even today, you can find primitive peoples that are indeed “unsophisticated.”


For More Reading

Inca Indians



1  Creation Magazine, Volume 27, Issue 3.  Published on the web at



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Creation Magazine 2005


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