Review by Greg Neyman
First Published 2006
In an article on the Creation, Dinosaurs
and the Flood website, young earth creation science advocate Charlie Liebert
claims that Adam could have named the animals as God instructed him, within
the short time frame of the sixth day.1
To back up his claim, Liebert says Adam did not name all the
animals...he just named specific groups of them. The naming of the animals
is in Genesis 2:19-20:
And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and
every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call
them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name
thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and
to every beast of the field...
Liebert says Adam named cattle, birds, and beasts of
the field. It did not include insects, or sea creatures. I have no problems
with this interpretation, as we cannot know how many species this is. It
would appear that Adam named all the mammals (with the exception of sea
mammals). There are currently about 5,500 mammal species. That is quite a
few names, and it does not include those that are extinct now, which
probably would easily triple this number, if not more. That is quite a few
mammals to name!
To aid in his argument, he breaks it down into "kinds,"
which is the argument creationists use to fit the animals on the ark. For
instance, Noah did not take two poodles, two wolves, etc, on the ark. He
only took two dog-kinds. Again, I have no problem here, as this really
doesn't help him much. Why? If you look at Noah's Ark, and the study done by
the author John Woodmorappe, he claims that Noah took one pair from each
genera, living and fossil. He lists 7428 mammals, 4602 birds and 3724
reptiles on the ark. This totals to 15,754 animals on the ark. Since Liebert
is using the same "kind" argument as Woodmorappe, that means that Adam must
have named this many animals, which fit the categories of "cattle, birds,
and beasts of the field."
Adam would have been hard-pressed to name them all in a
24-hour day. And, since God created the animals the same day, and created
man, he probably only had 12 hours to do the task. That's 2.7 seconds per
However, the old earth explanation, that Day Six was millions of years long,
leaves plenty of time for Adam to name the animals. The end of Day Six,
after Adam was created, may have been many years long.
1 Adam Names
the Animals, originally published on the web at
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