Review by Greg Neyman
First Published 2006
In an article on the Creation, Dinosaurs
and the Flood website, young earth creation science advocate Charlie Liebert
reprinted an article from the Omaha World-Herald, which claims that the
complexity of life rules out it happening by chance.1
I agree completely with this statement. However, I must point
out that this same complexity does not rule out Theistic Evolution, where
God started the process of evolution, and guided it. Plus, there are other
statements here that need questioning.
The author, Robert Smith, claims that his creationist views
have "strong scientific validity." If he is basing this on the young earth
creation science model, he is sadly mistaken, as a review of this website
will disprove the young earth model. He is complaining about a report from
the National Academy of Science, which says creationism is not science and
should not be taught. I agree...young earth creationism is not science, as
it is not based in scientific fact.
Smith gives a breakdown of microevolution and macroevolution.
While these are general in nature, they do not need any comment. He does
take issue with the statement that "life came from nonliving molecular
entities." This is his whole is too complex to have
If one believes in evolution, one must believe in self-assembly. Of course,
with God involved in the evolution process, it is no problem for life to
have come from non-life. And although this has been a stumbling block for
evolution, it has not been an effective creationist argument, because
evolution marches on. There are proposals out there for how this life could
have arisen from non-life. The "lack" of this mechanism for creating life
from non-life has not, and never will, stop the march of evolution.
Although the start of life, from non-life is a problem for
the atheistic evolutionist, it is nothing for the theistic evolutionist. God
started the evolutionary process by creating this first life form.
Therefore, if you choose to believe evolution, rest assured that you can do
so, and believe in an inerrant Word, and an old earth. There is no conflict
between evolution and the Bible.
1 Complexities
of Life Overwhelm Chance, originally published on the web at
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