Review by Greg Neyman
First Published
In an article on the Creation, Dinosaurs
and the Flood website, young earth creation science advocate Charlie Liebert
gives a list of what he calls credible creation scientists.1
While I agree that it is possible to get a doctorate
and be a young earth creationist, there are several points to be made about
this claim. First, he says about 20 percent of US scientists believe in
creation. Charlie is no doubt trying to support his young earth position,
but I'm certain that the vast majority of those 20 percent believe in old
earth creation, and not young earth creation.
Second, how does a young earth believer get a degree in
a secular university? When they are in a basic astronomy class, and have to
answer a question that says how old the universe is, they would have to lie
in order to pass the test. A geology test, and biology test would give equal
problems. A young earth creationist cannot graduate without supplying
answers that they believe to be false. This speaks volumes about their
integrity. They are willing to deceive the instructors in order to get a
passing grade. This makes me wonder how many of them are truly "credible."
I have no doubt that many young earth "scientists" have
made important contributions to their fields of work. However, they should
not be trusted in matters related to the Creation account.
1 Credible
Creation Scientists, published on the web at
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