Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals -

Teaching True Science


Review by Greg Neyman

First Published 2006


    In an article on the Creation, Dinosaurs and the Flood website, young earth creation science advocate and pastor Dave Snyder talks about the bankruptcy of evolution.1
    This article goes by the title "Teaching the Evidence." However, Snyder gives none. The entire article appears to be an emotional tirade against evolution, and I could barely get through its negative approach. His very first sentence says "I am not a vindictive person." He then proceeds with his anger against evolution, proving his first sentence false.
    He presents no scientific arguments that I can rebut, but he does say a number of things that are false. Throughout the article, it is apparent that he believes his young earth viewpoint represents true science. However, young earth science is not science at all, for it does not fit the definition of science. For more on the scientific method, see Creation Scientist?
Here are a few of his choice words.


Others of us find the scientific evidence to be so devastating to fundamental naturalistic evolutionary claims as to show it to be an utterly unsuccessful hypothesis that has been falsified and overhauled so many times as to be embarrassing. The issue of theism aside for a moment, the science of Evolutionism is DOA.

    If he were to care to look at science, evolution is stronger than ever. If all you ever listen to is young earth arguments against evolution, of course you would believe evolution is dead. Raise your head up and look around at reality. Evolution has a counter argument for every claim of the creationist! All you have to do is examine the web to find this out.


But we all know in reality, it's a dead end. It is on artificial life support and under continual protection by its supporters. They are trying to sustain some life in a corpse. Sadly it will not see a decent burial by those who have invested their lives and careers with it.

    Again, evolution is far from being a "corpse." You don't have to agree with evolution, but you should at least try to understand it. Get your head out of the young earth only books and look around!

What can be done (or should be done), is to create an awareness that Darwinian evolution as currently dominating the scene is now proven to be unworthy of its monopoly. Just as "WorldCom", and "Enron" are unacceptable monikers in the public domain, so also must be "Darwinian Evolution".

    Young earth creationists have been arguing against evolution in this manner for at least the last 45 years, ever since they organized under the leadership of young earth ministries. Have they had any success? Not a bit. If anything, they are the ones in danger of being proven unworthy.
    I do agree with Snyder that it would be good for our schools to openly discuss all critically evaluate the evidence. Too bad young earth creationists will not reciprocate. They teach their children the close-minded young earth approach, protecting them from the data of science. In many cases, when these children reach college, they learn the truth and reject creation. This is because it is taught to them as an either/or choice. Either you believe the earth is young, or you don't (you deny God). Millions have been driven from the church in this manner.
    It does not have to be this way. Evolution is a theory, and whether or not it is true makes no difference to creationism (see the words of Billy Graham on this issue). You can be a Christian, and believe in an Inerrant Word of God, and a literal translation of Genesis, and believe that the earth is old...with or without evolution.
    Snyder says that teachers should teach the evidence and empirical data on evolution. I have no problems with this. Teaching the data on the age of the earth would clearly win these children over to long ages. Teaching the data on evolution would also not be a problem. The problem is in deciding what data to present. Young earth criticisms of evolution are not all valid, as they rant and rave about everything under the sun. Which do you pay attention to? This is an impossible question. School standards are not about to be based on young earth criticisms of evolution.
    Evolution may not be true, but its a whole lot more scientific than young earth creation science! Judging by Snyder's article, young earth science runs purely on emotions, and not on facts.
1 Teaching the Evidence, originally published on the web at


     If you are not a Christian, and you have been holding out on making a decision for Christ because the Church always preached a message that was contrary to what you saw in the scientific world, then rest assured that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and you can believe in Christ and receive salvation, while still believing in an old earth.  Click here for more.


    Are you a Christian who believes in young earth creationism?  Now that we have shown the many difficulties of the young earth creation science model in this and many other articles, how does this impact your Christian life?  If you are a young earth creationism believer, click here.



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