Answers in Genesis
Epigenetic Changes Let Mice Inherit Their Fathers’ Fears - This article discusses acquired traits that are inherited from generation to generation. Not any impact upon creation science. While AiG would say these traits did not evolve, since God could guide evolution, such an argument is useless. This article just appears to be a technical article intended to impress the YEC reader with the wisdom of AiG.
Creation Ministries International
Is the Geological Column a Global Sequence? - This article addresses the problem of assigning all earth's rock layers to events surrounding the YEC global flood. It is a lengthy read about geological issues (written by a weather man). It does raise some interesting issues, although it presents no proofs of a young earth, and demonstrates how YEC's so easily dismiss OEC geologic explanations without justification.
Institute for Creation Research
Surprising Human Hand Bone Challenges Evolution - The article tells about a human hand bone that appears to be from a modern human, yet is dated at 1.4 million years, or 500,000 years before any other human bone. It is interesting to read about it, and this article merely proves that scientists don't understand everything there is to know about man's distant past. Is it truly from a modern human? Is the dating of it at 1.4 Ma accurate? These questions deserve more study. However, we do know that this article shows the flawed reasoning of YEC arguments. The YEC authors' logic goes like this: There are problems with the scientific understanding of this bone, therefore God must have created man directly, not through evolution. In short, if science has problems explaining it, then God must have done it. This puts this argument in the "God of the Gaps" category. Either way, this article is good info for OEC's to be aware of.
Creation Today
Nothing new posted today
Creation Moments
Solitary Bees - A decent devotion with a good lesson, but has nothing to do with creation science.
Old Earth Articles
The Peat Bog: Chronicler of Human History - from the Natural Historian (Naturalis Historia). Explains peat bogs, and issues surrounding them, and how they present a problem for young earth creationism. Good read for old earth believers.
Creation Science Watch - 2014 Index
Did you know that you can be a Christian,
and believe that the earth is billions of years old? You can even
believe in evolution and be a Christian. There is no conflict
between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper
understanding how to merge science and the Bible. To learn more
about old earth creationism, see
Old Earth Belief,
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Can You Be A
Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?
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