Creation Science in the Media
This section lists articles that appear in newspapers, magazines, online news sites, and in television.
Homeschool mom who debunked evolution visits Ken Ham’s creationism museum: ‘It’s pretty convincing’ - RawStory
Some La. Schools Are Teaching Creationism, Activist Asserts In Report -
Creationist Ministry Head Carps About AU’s Intervention In Ky. ‘Ark Park’ Lawsuit -
No, Academic Freedom Laws Do Not Authorize Teaching about Intelligent Design - Evolution News
Oh the irony: Creationist finds 60-million-year-old fossils (VIDEO) - MalayMailOnline (Malaysia) (There have been dozens of news items about this, so this will be the final one.)
Fact or Fiction: Addressing Misconceptions about Alabama's Academic Freedom Bill - Evolution News
Old Earth Articles (the articles listed below may be pro-evolution, anti-evolution, gap theory, etc. Old Earth Ministries (OEM) strives to serve all forms of old earth belief)
Thank God for Trees and Responsible Lumbering - From the progressive creationist ministry Reasons to Believe.
From the Archives: Why the Church Needs Multiple Theories of Original Sin - From the theistic evolution website BioLogos.
Historical Science, Deception, and Blind Faith - From the blog Faithful Thinkers
Old Earth Ministries Featured Article of the Day
Answers in Genesis
Marriage—Why Two? Why Not Three or More? - Daily article for 1 June. Takes a swipe at evolutionists, but not really an age of the earth issue.
Gone in Only One Generation: Battle for Kids' Minds - AiG realizes that children are the key to AiG's future, so Ken Ham encourages parents to battle for their kids by giving them good instruction. Although the age of the earth is not the major topic in this article, Ken Ham is writing to his YEC followers, so its definately implied.
How Long Was Adam in the Garden of Eden? - AiG's answer is that we cannot know for certain, but it could not have been long. For old earth creationism, we don't know either, but it could have been a very long time...or it could have been short. God simply did not reveal the timing to us in Genesis.
NASA Astronauts/Engineers on God, Creation, and Evolution - From Ken Ham's Blog.
Is Jurassic World Wrong for Portraying Dinosaurs without Feathers? - This AiG article claims that "But the supposed evidence for feathered dinosaurs is scanty and speculative." To prove that point, they provide a link to a single claim that they dispute, and ignore all the other scientific discoveries that show feathered dinosaurs. Apparently they haven't been keeping up with the scientific news (or they are willfully ignorant of the news).
Creation Ministries International
A is for Aardvark: Can you cross a pig, a rat, a donkey, and an anteater? - This article is mostly a 'god of the gaps' article, but it does make anti-evolution statements.
Order in the Fossil Record - Although CMI talks around the topic and gives their usual arguments, the fact remains that YEC still does not have a valid scientific answer for the order of fossils.
Institute for Creation Research
Acts & Facts - ICR publishes its June issue of Acts & Facts. This issue contains claims about Radioactive Dating, Distant Starlight, Ice Sheets, and Dinosaurs in Marine Sediments.
Creation Today & Other Minor YEC Ministries
No new articles today.
Science News of Interest to Creationists (Summaries from and other sources)
Pangea is just one of the few supercontinents in the history of the Earth
New Evidence Emerges on Origins of Life
Sharp-eyed Alma spots a gigantic flare on famous red giant star
Did you know that you can be a Christian,
and believe that the earth is billions of years old? You can even
believe in evolution and be a Christian. There is no conflict
between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper
understanding how to merge science and the Bible. To learn more
about old earth creationism, see
Old Earth Belief,
or check out the article
Can You Be A
Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?
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provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism,
and honor God by properly presenting His creation.