Creation Science

Creation Science Watch

A Summary of YEC/OEC Website Activity

30 September 2014


Answers in Genesis


Human Faces Vary Thanks to Evolution, Study Claims - Response to a news report on the evolution of the human face.  Simply states that human face variation has always been there, and did not evolve.  No scientific evidence is presented to prove this point...after all, since we are not able to view the faces of Adam, Eve, and our distant ancestors, we cannot prove (or disprove) this YEC claim.


Creation Ministries International


Eve's offspring, the serpent, and his offspring - Part 2 - A lengthy article that has no bearing on the age of the earth.


Institute for Creation Research


Australopith Child Gets an Academic Spanking - Examines new research that ICR claims debunks the Taung skull. It doesn't debunk anything.  It means we need to restudy Taung, and revise previous scientific conclusions.


Creation Today


No new articles today.


Old Earth Articles (the articles listed below may be pro-evolution, anti-evolution, gap theory, etc. Old Earth Ministries (OEM) strives to serve all forms of old earth belief)


Did Vertebrate Animals Die Before the Fall of Man? - Article looking at death before the fall from an old earth perspective.  From Reasons to Believe.


Al Gore, The Alarmist: Wrong Again! - From the Natural Historian website.


Origins News Round-up for September 30, 2014 - From the theistic evolution website BioLogos.


Old Earth Ministries Featured Article of the Day


Already Compromised - First part of a review of a Ken Ham book.


Science News of Interest to Creationists (Summaries from


Tooth buried in bone shows prehistoric predators tangled across land, sea


Simulations reveal an unusual death for ancient stars


Human genome was shaped by an evolutionary arms race with itself







Creation Science Watch - 2014 Index


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Did you know that you can be a Christian, and believe that the earth is billions of years old?  You can even believe in evolution and be a Christian.  There is no conflict between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper understanding how to merge science and the Bible.  To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

 Feel free to check out more of this website.  Our goal is to provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism, and honor God by properly presenting His creation.