Answers in Genesis
Sanballat - Alive and Well? - A plug for the Ark Encounter...responding to critics.
Frozen Alive! - Article about Eastern Box Turtles, a 'god of the gaps' type article.
Can Evolutionary Clues Cure Cancer? - Response to a news article in which scientists say the key to curing cancer lies in a knowledge of evolution. AiG concludes, "Is there any harm in basing new cancer therapies on evolutionary fairy tales? Absolutely." It will be interesting if we find that this strategy works...then what will AiG say? Along those same lines...the exploration for oil and minerals is based on old earth geology. If during the last 100 years we only used YEC geology to search for oil and minerals, we would have run out of these resources long ago!
Halloween History and the Bible - Background on the history of halloween.
Creation Ministries International
Secularism is atheism - An editorial piece from the latest issue of Creation Magazine.
Scientific 'fact', the Word of God and understanding - Response to reader feedback. Basically a CMI 'takedown' of a theistic evolutionists beliefs. From our reading, CMI places more value upon belief in a young earth, than they do upon belief in Jesus.
The Pope on evolution - CMI's argument against the Pope's comments on evolution.
The recent, rapid formation of the Mount Isa orebodies during Noah's Flood - Daily Feature for 31 Oct. A reprint of a Creation Magazine article from 1984. Provides a creationist model for how they formed...which no scientists accept.
Institute for Creation Research
Unlocking the Times - Index page for the latest issue of Acts & Facts.
Pro-Evolution Pope - Young-Earth takedown of the Pope's comments.
Creation Today
Anti-Evolution Video Goes Viral. Stretching the truth...this video was first published two years ago. It has built up to 1.3 million views gradually over the last two years. A viral video "explodes" in popularity on Youtube in a short time period.
Old Earth Articles (the articles listed below may be pro-evolution, anti-evolution, gap theory, etc. Old Earth Ministries (OEM) strives to serve all forms of old earth belief)
Q&A: Does the Book of Revelation Hint at a Multiverse? - From the progressive creationist ministry Reasons to Believe.
An Ancient and Dynamic Universe - From the theistic evolution website BioLogos.
On Beginning to Understand the Intelligence of Design: Reflections on ‘Darwinism and the Divine’ by Alister McGrath (Part II) - From BioLogos.
Saturday Science Links: November 1, 2014 - Apparently now a weekly feature on BioLogos for Saturday's. Provides seven links to interesting stories, some of which are not related to creation science.
Curiosity Rover Update: Driving into a Sedimentary Wonderland on Mars - From the Natural Historian. Not really creation science related...but makes you wonder how this fits into a YEC theory. Sedimentary layers on earth are from the Flood, so what caused sedimentary layers on Mars in a YEC system? Was there also a global flood on Mars?
Old Earth Ministries Featured Article of the Day
Creationist Links - We are not the only people posting old earth material. Check out our links page for others.
Science News of Interest to Creationists (Summaries from
Universe may face a darker future: Is dark matter swallowing up dark energy?
Lack of oxygen delayed the rise of animals on Earth
When did galaxies settle down?
Hubble sees 'ghost light' from dead galaxies
Planet discoverd that won't stick to a schedule
Magma pancakes beneath Indonesia's Lake Toba: Subsurface sources of mega-eruptions
Oceans arrived early to Earth; Primative meteorites were a likely source of water, study finds
They know the drill: Leading the league in boring through ice sheets
Massive geographic change may have triggered explosion of animal life
Creation Science Watch - 2014 Index
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Springfield, OH 45501
Did you know that you can be a Christian,
and believe that the earth is billions of years old? You can even
believe in evolution and be a Christian. There is no conflict
between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper
understanding how to merge science and the Bible. To learn more
about old earth creationism, see
Old Earth Belief,
or check out the article
Can You Be A
Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?
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and honor God by properly presenting His creation.