There are many reasons why old earth creation science is a better fit with the Bible than young earth creation science. These articles will help you explore some of the topics within old earth creationism, and give you a better understanding of how an old earth and the Bible are compatible.
broaden your learning experience, we provide links to resources on other old
earth websites, noted below by this graphic -
Notable Christians Open to an Old Earth - Some may surprise you! Check it out!
Dinosaur Evidences for an Old Earth - Dinosaurs prove that the earth is old
Why I Left Young-Earth Creationism – A personal journey from the other side (see Testimonies link above for more)
Ussher – Do Bishop Ussher’s Dates have any impact upon Old-Earth Belief?
Creation Science Commentary - Church Fathers – Should we look to past leaders for old-earth support?
Death Through Sin – Contributed Article by Jim Schicatano
A Weak God? - Do long creation days support the young-earth creationist belief that they weaken God's power?
Catastrophism, or Uniformitarianism? - What's the difference? Not as much as you think!
Death Before the Fall of Man – Was there death before Adam bit the forbidden fruit? Read this and my “Teeth” article in the rebuttal section to find out.
Word Study: YOM - What is the proper translation for the word that means "Day"
Creation Science Commentary - God Doesnt' Care About Creation? - Is your view of creation really important?
The Doctrine of Creation - How long has creation been a doctrine?
Dating Biblical Events in an Old Earth Framework - When did it happen?
Discussion on Creation and Science - An Essay by Mike O'Neil
The Desert Problem – All it takes is one wind-deposited desert in the geologic record to disprove the young earth model
Stratigraphy - Or, can the Global Flood of Noah produce all the rock layers we see in the Grand Canyon?
Noah’s Flood – Is the Young Earth Model for Noah’s Flood right?
An Essay on Radiometric Dating – by Jonathan Woolf
Ice Age – What can we learn about the age of the earth from Glaciation?
Plastic Deformation of Rocks - The science behind folded rock layers
Free Oxygen - Why it supports an old earth
Reproduction and Speciation – Contributed Article by Jim Schicatano
Young Earth Creationism and Evolution – Yes, they believe in evolution!
The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy – Contributed Article by Jim Schicatano
Evolution and the Second Law of Thermodynamics - By Ed Morris. Christians should not use the argument that evolution violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Design Evidences – Demonstrates that there must have been a designer of the universe
Creation Science Commentary - Empirical Evidence? - A few random observations
Second Creation – Can the events of the Flood be considered a second creation event?
The Age of the
Provides an explanation and rebuttal of several young
earth claims
Did you know that you can be a Christian,
and believe that the earth is billions of years old? You can even
believe in evolution and be a Christian. There is no conflict
between science and the Bible...all one needs is a proper
understanding how to merge science and the Bible. To learn more
about old earth creationism, see
Old Earth Belief,
or check out the article
Can You Be A
Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?
Feel free to check out more of this website. Our goal is to
provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism,
and honor God by properly presenting His creation.