Creation Science

Creation Science Rebuttals

Creation Magazine (Ex Nihilo)

Flood Coal

Ex Nihilo, Volume 2, Issue 4, October 1979

Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries           


     This article shows an isolated example of a coal deposit that the author contends is flood deposited.  It is intended to stimulate discussion, and gather inputs from other readers.  The author gives no valid reason to assume this is a flood deposit.

     He makes four observations in support of his theory.


Coal Dykes - There is no problem with believing the coal was laid with the sediment within an old earth framework


Coal in Sandstone - I agree, but again, has nothing to do with Noah's Flood (which flood did it?)  Some coal deposits are known to be associated with tidal delta environment (not all swamps look like the Everglades)


Forked Coal - Depends on when the plant material was buried.  If it were already solidified as coal, then yes, they have an argument.  If it was forced into the fractures when the plant material was not coal yet, then no.


Coal Bands - The distortion probably happened prior to the plant material becoming coal


     There is nothing to indicate a global flood in this coal.  In fact, when it comes to coal, the opposite is true.  It confirms that there was no global flood.  For proof, see the article Floating Forest.


This article is on the web at


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Creation Magazine 1979


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