In 1979, this magazine went by the title Ex Nihilo, and was published by the Creation Science Association.
Steelmakers - Ancient Steelmakers have no bearing on evolution
Sir MacFarlane - Commentary on an evolutionist's comments
Hoyle in Trouble - Life from the comets
Cytogenetics - Chimpanzee's extra chromosome pair no problem for evolution
Earth's Magnetic Field - An old argument with no merit
Pineal Gland - Once thought to be vestigial, it provides no proof against evolution
Piltdown Hoax - Explains why young earth creation science reaches the wrong conclusion
Carbon-14 - Carbon Dating article from 1979 out of date
Why are Polar Bears White - A rare retraction of an article
Revolution called Evolution - Putting the blame where it belongs
Were Creative Acts Sudden? - A young earth argument against Theistic Evolution
Models of Origin of the Universe - Reviewer Needed
Creation Science in the Churches - Ken Ham's first article, from 1979
Cain's Wife - Contains no issues in conflict with old earth belief
Fish - Origin and History Part 1 - Review needed
A Tale of Two Fleas - The great young earth imagination
Flood Coal - Tries to show a coal that was deposited by Noah's Flood
The Jew and Evolution - The example of one young earth Jew, taken out of context
History - Influence of Evolution Part 2 What is a young earth scientist?
Toxotes Chatareus - Circular reasoning and the Archer fish
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Creation Ministries International Rebuttals
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