Creation Science

Creation Science Book Review

Is the Big Bang Biblical?

Question #1: The Purpose of a Creation Science Ministry


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries

Review Published  April 2006


     The response to this question is focused upon John Morris' Institute for Creation Research (ICR).  Morris says that ICR has a threefold ministry...research, education, and publication.  To this end, ICR has two goals. 

     The first goal is to fulfill the Great Commission.  Although they are greatly handicapped by their young earth position, they have had some success, for which I am thankful to God.  This effectiveness is usually with people who had a young earth upbringing, thus the seeds of the false young earth theory are already planted in their minds.  Morris says that "God has equipped us in the area of science, and that is the tool we use to carry out the Great Commission."  Since most believe the earth is old, they are not positioned very well to be an effective witness among people who have not been "pre-taught" the young earth theory.

    Contrast this with the old earth ministry Reasons to Believe.  This ministry accepts the truth of long ages for the creation days, and since they speak the language of modern science (which ICR denies), they are in a much better position to carry the Gospel to the unchurched.

     Morris makes a blanket statement "If evolution is true, then the Bible is not true."  This, of course, is not true.  God may have used evolution, and it makes no difference from a theological perspective (see Billy Graham).  You can believe in an old earth, an inerrant Bible, and in evolution, all at the same time.  Of course, atheistic evolution is contrary to the Bible's message, but Morris fails to distinguish between theistic and atheistic evolution. 

     Morris attacks evolution as a barrier to evangelism, and his ministry removes that barrier.  Evolutionists, however, have countered most, if not all, of ICR's claims...and they are readily available on the internet at sites like Talk Origins

     The other goal of a creation ministry is to bring the Christian to maturity.  Implied here is that "maturity" equals young earth creationism.  Again, Morris says that evolution teaches the Bible has errors...he fails again to distinguish between theistic and atheistic evolution. 

     ICR sees Genesis 1:26-28 (have dominion over creation, subdue it) as a charge to study the creation.

     Morris calls ICR's approach "true science," and the rest of science as "the enemy of Christianity."  One can accept sciences, with an old earth...old earth science is not an enemy of Christianity.  Millions of old earth Christians defy Morris' claims.  As for true science, young earth creationists don't even use the "scientific method" and in many cases, do not deserve to be called scientists (see Creation Scientist?)

     I am thankful for young earth ministries and for the souls that they reach for Christ.  They would be better off in the long run, however, if they were truly science-based.