Creation Science

Creation Science Book Review

Is the Big Bang Biblical?

Question #19. Who were the Giants in the days of Noah?


Review by Greg Neyman

© Old Earth Ministries

Review Published April 2006


     Morris gives the correct answer...that he has not solved this riddle.  Many have put forward theories about who these giants were, and in the end, they are all mere guesses.  We may never know in our earthly life what this passage means. 

     However, I love Morris' response for one reason.  He says "...but let me suggest another alternative from our modern-day understanding of genomics, one which Bible scholars of yesteryear could not have suggested." 

    This demonstrates a principle that I have been saying all along.  Science of today (geology, astronomy) was not available to the scholars of yesteryear.  These scholars could not offer an old earth explanation, because the scientific data was not available to them.  Today, I offer an explanation by applying modern science to the Scriptures...just as Morris is doing in this chapter.  He is applying a modern understanding of genomics to interpret a passage of Scripture.  He is doing the very thing that he has been accusing old earth creationists of doing...applying today's science to understand the Scriptures!  Neither of our uses of science impacts the meaning, nor the message of the Scriptures.  Thank you, Dr. Morris, for confirming that we old earth creationists are using a proper application of modern science, by applying it to Scripture.


     If you are not a Christian, and you have been holding out on making a decision for Christ because the Church always preached a message that was contrary to what you saw in the scientific world, then rest assured that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and you can believe in Christ and receive salvation, while still believing in an old earth.  Click here for more.


    Are you a Christian who believes in young earth creationism?  Now that we have shown the many difficulties of the young earth creation science model in this and many other articles, how does this impact your Christian life?  If you are a young earth creationism believer, click here.



Is the Big Bang Biblical Book Review Home


Section 1 - Biblical Issues


Q1 - Purpose

Q2 - Same Story

Q3 - "Very Good"

Q4 - God's Nature

Q5 - "Time" or "Fact"

Q6 - Why Did God Create

Q7 - YEC Necessary?

Q8 - Gap Theory

Q9 - Global Flood

Q10 - Church Stand

Q11 - General Revelation

Q12 - Professors

Q13 - Bible's Reliability

Q14 - Science Prove

Q15 - Unscientific

Q16 - Are Plants Alive?

Q17 - Days of Peleg

Q18 - Jonah

Q19 - Who were the Giants

Q20 - Noah's Ark

Q21 - Sharp Teeth

Q22 - Work

Q23 - Babe in the Manger


Section 2 - Biology (15 Questions)


Section 3 - Creation Questions (8 Questions)


Section 4 - Geology, The Flood, The Young Earth (16)


Section 5 - Physical Science (10 Questions)


Section 6 - Impact on Society (20 Questions)


Section 7 - Personal Application (11 Questions)



To learn more about old earth creationism, see Old Earth Belief, or check out the article Can You Be A Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?  

 Feel free to check out more of this website.  Our goal is to provide rebuttals to the bad science behind young earth creationism, and honor God by properly presenting His creation.