Review by Greg Neyman
First Published 25 Jan 2006
One of the series of articles on Creation Science Evangelism website (the “Hovind” site) is creatively titled “Things that make evolutionists look stupid” (TTMELS for short). The subtitle then goes on to introduce the topic for the article. The article we shall consider in this commentary is "Dewclaws". 1
A dewclaw is a vestigial digit on some mammals' legs. It grows higher on the leg so that, when the animal is standing, it does not make contact with the ground. As Hinton notes, his dog cracked one of these claws. While it is true that in some species the dewclaw does not make ground contact, in many species it does. To say that all dewclaws are vestigial is clearly not accurate. It is not hard to envision evolution's answer to the dewclaw, and no explanation is needed here.
What Hinton is doing is stereotyping all dogs based on his hound. Unfortunately, stereotyping a large sample based on a small sample is not typically accepted scientific practice. Scientists do recognize the dewclaw's purpose, contrary to Hinton's claim.2
How does Hinton characterize evolutionists in this article? Here are some quotes:
This is a dilemma for evolutionists for a very good reason; they are nitwits.
but it they really want to know the purpose of dewclaws, they simply need to ask someone with some sense (implying they have no common sense)
Making a declaration that she has no use for those toes because some nutty professor is not smart enough to figure out the use is silly, to say the least.
Again, this is a strange way to try and reach evolutionists with the insulting them. Not only that, he does so with poor English. This particular article contains bad grammar and extra words ("that that").
Just like the other articles in this series, it calls evolutionists "stupid." If we are to love the unsaved, and win them for Christ, calling them “stupid” is not the proper way to do it. This will turn more away from the Gospel, and harden their hearts. Driving them away from the Gospel is working against Christ. Hinton appears to be working against Christ.
2 Dewclaws, on
If you are not a Christian, and you have been holding out on making a decision for Christ because the Church always preached a message that was contrary to what you saw in the scientific world, then rest assured that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and you can believe in Christ and receive salvation, while still believing in an old earth. Click here for more.
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